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Case study leader: Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
Email: eileen.torres@sei.org
Sweden is a high-income country whose 2/3 of the surface area is covered by forest. It is an atypical case because, despite being a high-income country with high energy needs due to its latitude, its CO2 emissions are fairly low as a consequence of the very early implementation of climate change mitigation practices and a highly supportive policy framework. LMTs are not an exception and have been included in Sweden’s mitigation plans since long ago. The LMTs included in the Swedish portfolio are afforestation, BECCS and biochar.

Sweden’s Scenarios for Land Based Mitigation – A Summary for Policymakers
The analyzed LMTs are BECCS, biochar, and afforestation. BECCS is considered the primary technology for achieving negative emissions and is expected to play a significant role in helping Sweden reach its net-zero emissions target by 2045.

Introduction: BIOCHAR for carbon sequestration
Biochar is among the most cross-cutting and cross-sectoral of all negative emission technologies (NETs), as it can include multiple components and application options across a wide variety of deployment and implementation schemes.