Land-Based Mitigation Technologies for Burkina Faso

As part of the LANDMARC deliverable “D2.1: National Narratives” the Burkina Faso team has been refining the technology focus of the case study.

Burkina Faso is one of the least developed countries (LDC), which accounts for just 0.05% of the global per capita emissions, and is among the 10% of the most vulnerable countries to climate change. Therefore, despite their limited economic capabilities, Burkina Faso is highly committed to climate change adaptation and mitigation, as it can be noted in their nationally determined contribution (NDC, the document where countries define how they are going to achieve their Paris Agreement commitments), where they highlight the importance of capacity creation. The selected LMTs are in line with the plans defined in Burkina Faso’s NDC, which would ease their potential implementation as well as increase the government’s interest in these techniques.

  1. Crop management: sustainable crop management practices aimed to improve the productivity of drylands by integrating crop, soil and water management measures.

  2. Afforestation and reforestation: planting trees where there were not before and restoring deforested areas are commonly used and feasible techniques for carbon sequestration and the restoration of wildlife and biodiversity.

  3. Forest management: decreasing the use of wood for purposes in which other materials could be used and creating modern sylvo-pastoral infrastructure would notably decrease the pressure on forest and increase carbon sequestration.


Burkina Faso’s Scenarios for Land Based Mitigation – A Summary for Policymakers


Introduction: World Bank Forest Investment Program, Burkina Faso