2021 Publications for the Venezula Case Study

Our case study collaborated in two scientific articles in 2021.

‘Historical fire ecology and its effect on vegetation dynamics of the Lagunas de Montebello National Park, Chiapas, México’.

This paper describes the result of a study to determine the effect of fire history on vegetation dynamics and successional pathways of areas under different fire management policies in the Lagunas de Montebello National Park (LMNP), Chiapas, México. It was published in iForest Biogeosciences and Forestry.

‘To Burn or not to Burn? The History behind the Construction of a New Paradigm of Fire Management in Venezuela through Interculturality’

This paper describes the initiatives, pursued for more than 20 years, to consolidate intercultural and participatory fire management in the Canaima National Park, Gran Sabana. It was published in BioBrasil.


Venezuela’s Scenarios for Land Based Mitigation – A Summary for Policymakers


Land-Based Mitigation Technologies for Venezuela