Help Us Understand Capacity Gaps in Sub-Saharan Africa (Survey)

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In order to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement, reducing our Greenhouse Gas emissions is vital. However, to get to net zero by 2050 any remaining/residual emissions need to be compensated with so-called negative emission solutions. This involves actively removing or absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere and storing it in trees, soils and deep underground. However, to date these land-based mitigation solutions (LMTs), and their scaling potential remain underexplored and underutilised. Indeed, only about 30% of current Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) mention LMTs. 

One reason for this underutilisation might be knowledge and capacity gaps. In order to help to fill these gaps, the LANDMARC research project has prepared a survey to better understand what stakeholders need to successfully implement, adopt and scale LMTs in all major regions of the world. 

We kindly ask you to provide us with your expertise in answering this survey. The results will enable us to better understand what capacity gaps LMTs encounter and how stakeholders might overcome these gaps. Moreover, your insights will help the overall advancement of the research project by feeding regional scenarios and modelling efforts.

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