Workshop on Clean Energy Transition and Land-use Mitigation in Indonesia
To support the Indonesia’s efforts to increase renewable energy and low-carbon development in addressing climate change, together with European Commission partners, held an International Kick-off Workshop on two ongoing and one upcoming projects in Indonesia. The first project is LANDMARC (2020-2024), a European Commission (EC) project aiming to identify potential decarbonisation from biogas and compost. Secondly, TIPPING+ (2020-2023), another EC project, seeks to understand the tipping points in coal and carbon-intensive regions towards clean energy. Finally, the upcoming project that is currently in planning stage is the Biogas Initiative under IKI Small Grants (2021- 2022) that aims to create a carbon offset scheme with biogas digesters and a blockchain system in Bali and East Nusa Tenggara. This Kick-off Workshop focused on indicating the areas that the projects could contribute.
On Tuesday, 16 March 2021, around 74 delegates from the industry sector, local and national governments, policymakers, NGOs, students, and researchers on an international scale virtually gathered in Zoom. At the beginning of the Workshop, the ongoing projects were introduced, including the activity scope and the outcome by each project coordinator. Overall, these projects aims to contribute to Indonesia's low carbon development for policy and technological implementation. Subsequently, policymaker representatives shared policy insights related to land-use mitigation and clean energy transition, i.e., the Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) and Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR), respectively.
The purpose of Focus Group Discussion (FGD) is to synergize cooperation between stakeholders to be more applicable to Indonesia. Regarding land-use mitigation, bio-slurry application (a byproduct from biogas) as an organic fertiliser indeed is interesting to explore. In-situ measurement, modelling, and narratives will unfold the land-use mitigation technology in Indonesia. On the other hand, the energy transition towards clean energy in Indonesia is still ongoing from policy and market chain. From the stakeholder perspectives, replacing fossil fuels with clean energy sources (e.g., solar, geothermal) is feasible, with limitations to be addressed. Nevertheless, the TIPPING+ project potentially contributes to delivering the best interventions and assessing the effects in making the most substantial energy transition.
In the end, the consensus follow-up for the meeting included completing the following steps: a regular communication and dissemination (e.g. a series of workshops and policy dialogue) on the updates of the ongoing projects by with the project partners and stakeholders. The subsequent workshops will be essential towards strengthening the relationship and the effective knowledge-sharing in implementing the projects to support the clean energy transition and land-use mitigation efforts for low-carbon development.