LANDMARC's final policy event  | 28 November, Brussels

The Road to Net Zero: How to Pave the Way for Carbon Farming, Removal, and Capture 

 To reach the world’s climate goals, governments should consider ways of removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in addition to stepping up efforts to reduce emissions. 

 This means we should be thinking about a variety of mitigation approaches. This event focusses on three of these: Carbon Farming (CF), Carbon Capture and Storage/Utilization (CCS/CCU) and Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) technologies.

 Within this policy event we will discuss and explore what governments can do (and what they are already doing) to help scale these solutions up in time to meet our collective climate ambitions. 

 Discover this and much more at the LANDMARC project’s final event happening on 28 November

Key facts:

            When? 28 November

            What Time? 10:00-16:00

            Where? House of the Dutch Provinces, Rue de Treves 59-61, Brussels

What is it about?

This event is organised by three  EU-funded research projects, each with their own focus. They are

  • LANDMARC (Carbon farming)

  • RESCUE (Carbon Dioxide Removal)

  • ConsenCUS, (CCS/CCU)

This event will convene experts from these projects and beyond to discuss the key findings for policy emerging out of their research and stakeholder engagement work. 

Who is it for?

The event is open to anyone interested in European climate policy, and especially those interested in carbon farming, carbon dioxide removal, and in using captured carbon in industrial processes.  

 More details, including the agenda, will follow soon. Sign up to join us in person here.


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