Indonesia Team to Hold NDC and Land-use Mitigation Workshop

During October, will be holding a new workshop for the LANDMARC and TIPPING+ projects. The event follows on from a successful workshop held in May 2021.

The workshop will be a two day event. Day one (October 28th) will explore the subject of ‘Unlocking Possibilities in Achieving NDC from Energy and Land-use Mitigation’. Day two (October 29th) will follow up with a youth orientated session, ‘Youth inclusivity and Climate Change Agenda’. Both days will explore LANDMARC, TIPPING+ and other projects. The workshop is an online event, with both days taking place between 14:00 and 17:00 Bali time.

The previous May 2021 workshop was a great success, attracting over 100 delegates who included policymakers, businesses, research institutes, international researchers and students.

For more information about the workshop please email, or you can register directly here.


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Land-Based Mitigation Technologies for Indonesia